Friday 28 January 2011

Analysis of film magazine, Sight and Sound- Cover analysis

More of an in depth and detailed exploration of the films themes and how characters and settings are developed are included in articles of Sight and Sound. This also targets the magazine to those who work in the media already, what the latest trends and patterns are for a type of filming or editing. Sight and Sound promotes more independent and niche market films than blockbusters.

The front cover has a simple layout, as the title is in a bold black font against a yellow background it makes the title stand out. The main image takes up most of the front cover and as the image is of a famous actor John Cusack it attracts viewers with that image. As the image looks painted and textured it gives the whole magazine an element of sophistication and aiming the feature to a more mature audience because it looks 'artsy'. 

The subheadings on the cover appeal to somewhat an established or informed audience because they are suggestive in that the magazine and it's readers are established enough to know what some of the more complicated and not well-known articles are about. Such as "Amores Derros II- On set with Mexico's hottest director", as the director is not well know it suggests that the readers of Sight and Sound are informed enough to know about the up and coming directors or the ones that are not as famous.

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